Welcome to our office!
North Eastview Family dental office in Guelph is there for you and your family and your dental needs!
We provide all General dentistry procedures and handle a wide variety of dental emergencies as well.
What makes us different? What we hear from patients is that we are on the right track! If you have come to our office with an emergency, then that emergency will be our first priority to you! Do not worry; we will look after your needs. We get right to your dental concerns you have brought us, and give you options in a clear and transparent manner. We are on your side, and understand the anxiety many patients can feel such as fear of cost, fear of treatment and how this will impact you.
We are family-centred, child-centred, and uniquely patient-centred – which is to say we treat everyone with the utmost respect irregardless of if they come to our office with gold star dental insurance, government insurance or NO insurance. We are with you because we are Dentists looking at the individual’s dental situation, and are treatment-centred… and not insurance-centred.
Since opening in 2014 we have heard many lovely comments from our patients regarding this very important dialogue, and it has been our commitment to do our best for you.
Our dental office is not owned by a big Corporation but owned privately by Dr. Kapil Surana (B.D.S., D.D.S.).

Welcome to our office!
North Eastview Family dental office in Guelph is there for you and your family and your dental needs!
We provide all General dentistry procedures and handle a wide variety of dental emergencies as well.
What makes us different? What we hear from patients is that we are on the right track! If you have come to our office with an emergency, then that emergency will be our first priority to you! Do not worry; we will look after your needs. We get right to your dental concerns you have brought us, and give you options in a clear and transparent manner. We are on your side, and understand the anxiety many patients can feel such as fear of cost, fear of treatment and how this will impact you.
We are family-centred, child-centred, and uniquely patient-centred – which is to say we treat everyone with the utmost respect irregardless of if they come to our office with gold star dental insurance, government insurance or NO insurance. We are with you because we are Dentists looking at the individual’s dental situation, and are treatment-centred… and not insurance-centred.
Since opening in 2014 we have heard many lovely comments from our patients regarding this very important dialogue, and it has been our commitment to do our best for you.
Our dental office is not owned by a big Corporation but owned privately by Dr. Kapil Surana (B.D.S., D.D.S.)
North Eastview Family Dental Practice offers a full range of dental services:
Full exams
Emergency exams
Restorations (fillings)
Extractions (including complex surgery)
Crowns, bridges, implants
Endodontics (root canals)
Teeth Whitening
Sports guards, night guards, TMJ treatment (jaw)
Periodontal scaling (cleaning teeth, as well as polishing)
Tooth sensitivity treatments
Also available: nitrous oxide (laughing gas)
Languages Spoken
Language can be a barrier at times, but at North Eastview Family Dental Practice we will try to accommodate other languages.
Dr. Martin Reiss is also fluent in Polish, and Dr. Kapil Surana is also fluent in Siekh and Urdu.
Testimonials and Reviews
Accepted Payment Methods
We bill directly to your insurance. If you don’t have insurance, you will not find another office in Guelph like us.
We always do the maximum to help in any way we can – whether it be alternative treatment options, Government programs, or fair fees for non-insured patients. It should not be a financial hardship to have your teeth looked after.
Cancellation Policy
We would like to alert you that we need 2 business days’ notice in order to cancel any dental appointment. Without sufficient time to change appointments it is difficult for our office to function, and accept emergency patients. Therefore we ask you help us in this. Without sufficient reasoning, no reasoning, and no shows, we reserve the right to administer a $50.00 fee.
Patient Health Form
You can download a Health History form here, and bring it to your next appointment:
Health History Form
Covid-19 Patient Screening Form
You can download a Covid-19 questionaire form here, and bring it to your next appointment:
Covid-19 Screening Form

North Eastview Family Dental Practice
322 Eastview Road, Unit B5
Guelph, ON N1E 0L2
Phone: 519.824.5070
Fax: 519.824.1221
Monday | 9:00 – 8:00 |
Tuesday | 9:00 – 5:00 |
Wednesday | 9:00 – 8:00 |
Thursday | 9:00 – 7:00 |
Friday | 9:00 – 6:00 |
Saturday | 8:00 – 3:00 |
We are very flexible regarding hours, including flexible evening appointments.