Tooth extraction is a common oral surgery for issues like infections or decay. After the tooth extraction procedure is done, it would be normal to experience bleeding, swelling, and pain as the anesthesia wears off. These symptoms usually fade with time and shouldn’t worry you. However, knowing the healing process is mandatory. You should know the healing process and steps after a tooth extraction. In this blog, we’ll explain what a healing tooth extraction should and shouldn’t look like. Let us get started:
What Does Proper Healing of a Tooth Extraction Look Like?
Ever wondered what a healing tooth extraction should look like? Well, if you notice a white substance forming around the area, it’s a good sign. Rather than worrying, understand that this white stuff indicates proper tooth extraction healing. What exactly is it? It’s called granulation tissue, a delicate blend of blood vessels, collagen, and white blood cells.
What is Granulation Tissue?
After your tooth is removed, a blood clot forms to stop bleeding. About a week later, you’ll notice granulation tissue forming in the extraction area. This tissue is crucial for protecting the clot until new bone forms, which takes about eight weeks. Granulation tissue is creamy white and made of collagen, blood vessels, and white blood cells. Its appearance is a good sign that your socket is healing well. To aid healing, gently rinse with salt water, avoid disturbing the clot, and stick to soft foods for about ten days.
Day-by-Day Guide After the Tooth Extraction Healing
In about 7 to 10 days, your tooth extraction should heal up nicely. Here’s a simple breakdown of what to expect:
First 24 Hours:
Keep the gauze in place as your dentist instructed to absorb any bleeding. You might feel discomfort and swelling, which can be managed with gauze and ice packs.
7 to 10 Days After Extraction:
Swelling should decrease, and the bleeding should stop. Your mouth might still be sore, so stick to soft foods and use saline rinses. You can start brushing and flossing gently around the extraction site.
Two Weeks After:
By now, new tissue and blood vessels should be forming. Swelling should be minimal, and the area will be well on its way to tooth extraction healing. Take it easy and follow your dentist’s advice to ensure a smooth recovery.
How Long Does the Blood Clot Last After a Tooth Extraction?
After your tooth is removed, a blood clot should form within 24 to 48 hours. It’s crucial to keep this clot intact for about a day to ensure proper healing without any disturbance from food particles or bacteria. By seven to ten days, the clot should be fully formed and secure. After two weeks, it’s wise to see your dentist for a check-up to make sure everything is healing as it should.
What Signs Mean a Tooth Extraction Isn’t Healing Right?
After a tooth extraction, there’s usually a hole where the tooth used to be. If this doesn’t seem to be closing up or healing as it should, it might be a sign of trouble. Watch out for these symptoms:
- Bleeding or serious pain and swelling that lasts more than four hours after the tooth extraction procedure
- High fever, nausea, or vomiting
- A bad taste or smell coming from the extraction site
- Dry socket, which can occur if there’s no blood clot five days after the extraction.
If you notice any of these, it’s best to contact your dentist for further evaluation and treatment.
What is a Dry Socket?
A dry socket is a common problem after getting a tooth pulled. It happens when the blood clot that should form in the space left by the removed tooth doesn’t form properly. This can lead to the bone and nerves being exposed, which can be painful.
You might have a dry socket if:
- You can see the bone in the space where your tooth is, or it looks empty or gray.
- You’re experiencing severe pain that spreads from the extraction site to your ears, eyes, or temples.
- You’ve lost the blood clot that formed after the extraction.
- You have persistent bad breath or a bad taste in your mouth, even after brushing your teeth well.
How Can You Tell If You Have a Tooth Infection?
After a tooth extraction, infection is a risk, though it’s not common. Bacteria from your mouth can enter the space where the tooth was removed and cause trouble. Here’s how to spot signs of infection:
- If you notice white or yellow pus in the area where your tooth was pulled, call your dentist right away.
- Keep an eye out for these signs:
- Bleeding, pain, and swelling get worse over two to three days after the tooth extraction procedure.
- A bad taste in your mouth.
If you notice any of these, don’t wait – get in touch with your dentist for advice.
How to Prevent Infections After a Tooth Extraction
To ensure your mouth heals properly after tooth extraction and to avoid infections or other issues, follow these simple tips:
- Don’t use a straw for drinking, as it might dislodge the blood clot in the socket.
- Stick to soft, cold foods like ice cream, yogurt, and smoothies for a couple of days. Avoid hard, crunchy, hot, or spicy foods.
- For the first day, don’t rinse your mouth vigorously or brush around the extraction site. After that, gently rinse with warm salt water (mix 1/2 teaspoon of salt in a cup of warm water).
- Take it easy for a few days and avoid strenuous activities to reduce the risk of bleeding.
Final Words
We have described each of your concerns related to the Healing process after the tooth extraction process in detail. Now, if you are also suffering from any tooth-related issues, just contact our expert dentists. For further issues or info visit